Today you must grow and learn and be willing to improve with every turn.  A broken leg will only heal with surgery and rehabilitation.  Pain and stiffness and discomfort come with healing to form a better, stronger leg.  Trust in Me that the discomfort is a good thing.  For all who hear of Me know that I make good come from bad. 

The fall of man was bad, however, My heaven after will be better.  My heaven after will be filled with the children who chose Me.  The children who sought Me out and had a desire to live with Me for eternity.  That is so much more precious to Me than those who blindly followed because they were unaware of any options.  

I came to the earth to show you how to live, rather than to obey hundreds of menial commands, I loved you enough to die for you and wipe the slate clean for you.  All you must do now is to believe in Jesus.  Believe that we chose to sacrifice Him for you to make it so much easier.   

As you can see in your world, good morals and values are forgotten over time.  Humans get lazy and do not put the effort into keeping up with teaching their children precious lessons to ensure a promising future.  Times change, but people do not. My guiding principles have not changed.  They will never change.  My guiding principles are timeless and meaningful and were meant to be passed down throughout all generations. By all people.  

When parenting, one must follow the bible’s teachings in order to do what is best for the child.  I AM SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR PUTTING A CHILD ON EARTH.  EVERY CHILD.  Every child was created for a purpose and disrupting that is to go against My plan. In every life, there are lessons to be learned by those around that life.  Destroy that life and the lessons will never be learned.  The lives that were supposed to be impacted by that human are altered in a way that I did not intend.  Can I fix it?  Of course, My ultimate plan WILL transpire, but humans are making it take longer than I would have liked.  A drawback of free will.