When knowing Me becomes your priority, your life will change.  For until you do that, consistently, you are not living the best life available to you.  “Seek first the kingdom of heaven…” (Matthew 6:33) that is Me.  Some will tell you that is easier than it sounds.  That is not true.  It is a choice.  A decision you can make every day.  It should be your priority.  There will be no regrets.   “Seek first the kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”  What are “these things”?  They are the things I have ready and waiting for you.   

At first you must know that I am who I am.  You must trust in that and believe with every fiber of your being.  Then and only then will you truly trust in Me.  For if you do not believe, you cannot trust.  You cannot trust in what you do not believe.  Believing does not come from seeing, although if your eyes are open, you cannot miss My presence on earth. Believing comes from inside, deep within.  If you cannot feel it or do not believe yet, ask for Me to help.  If you are open to Me, you will believe.  You will see what I need you to see.  You will see in the middle of the storm.  You will be calm, believing and trusting in Me, that all will be well.  And this means “well” in My eyes, not yours.  As you know, sending your child to “time out” is “well” with you, but not always with the child.  In that, you know, as the parent that the child is fine – safe and hopefully learning something about bettering his behavior.  This is the same with Me as your father.  Knowing what I know and knowing what is best of you, despite your lack of agreement or patience or happiness.   

You were not put on the earth to be happy.  You were put there to worship Me and serve others, in that you will find your happiness.  Happiness is not a priority; it is a gift you can give yourself by walking in the life I have for you.  Abide in Me and all will be as it should be. 

These words come from Me, through Pamela, as a gift for you.  These words are to teach and mold and fulfill you, while ever encouraging you to abide in Me.  Follow Me.  Worship Me.  Love Me on a daily basis.  The world is in your ear, attacking your mind, body, and soul on a daily basis, relentlessly.  In order to fight that off and truly abide in Me, you must meet with Me on a daily basis.  You cannot fight off all that is going on around you without Me in the mix.  You cannot win without Me.  You also need those around you, who I have placed in your life for a reason.  Lead them to Me and they will assist in the battle.  Trust me, there is a battle going on for your very soul.  Each and every one of you represents a victory for satan over Me.  Each day that you do not spend time with Me is a small victory for him and, as you know, small victories add up to large victories.  Decide now who you want to win.  Decide every morning, who’s going to win today…  me and God or satan?