Trusting in Me will allow you to not worry about understanding all that is occurring.  Trusting in Me will allow you to not judge others, but pray for them instead.  Extend the grace that I have so lovingly offered to you in times of trouble. 

On occasion you will find a remedy for the wicked, believe in Me when I tell you this will not be.  Evil is allowed for a time, but soon it will all end and evil will be no more.  Continue to spread My WORD for there are still children who have not heard of Me and they must.  You will find these people where I need you to find them.  Do not be surprised, be prepared.  You know Me and you know they need Me, so spread My WORD as often as possible.  Time is short and the moments matter.  

I will clarify things when the time is right for you to know and understand.  There will be many things you will never understand, this is when you must know that I know the plan and that I am in control.  Trust Me in these times when you struggle with wanting to know.  Trust in Me that you know what you need.  Be open to doing what I need you to do, so that we may move forward.  If you struggle with wanting more, then ask for more and I will provide you with more, but do not expect that you will know what that is.  Be willing to do for Me the things I need from you.  Be willing to grow, stretch and pick up others along the way.  Even those you do not like.  This is not about you.  This is about them and Me.  You need to be willing and able to be a tool for Me.  A source of My hope for others who cannot yet see.