You must trust that I know what is best for you and that I have the utmost interest in preparing you for the future I have in store for you. You must know, or come to believe, that I, and I alone, know what is best for you, how to lead you to the life of purpose I intended for you, and how to get you there in the best possible way with the best possible outcome. 

I believe with all my heart that, You Lord, will guide me in the path of righteousness and fulfillment in my life.  I trust that you will guide me and hold me in every situation and that I can revel in joy just knowing that you are with me in all circumstances – both good and bad. 

Yes, joy – I desire that from you in every situation in your life.  In every step of your journey with Me.  I am the best teacher, the best parent, the best friend, the best mentor, the best of everything you will ever know, and that you will ever need.  In that alone, you can have peace and joy every second of your life on earth, despite every negative circumstance you may encounter. 

Know that if you ignore a request from the Lord, to do something for another person… the Lord will have someone do what needs to be done for that other person.  But you needn’t feel guilty, as that is from the devil.  You should, however, realize, that what you have lost was a blessing for yourself.

You will find that when you do for the Lord, especially for another person, the joy you feel in their joy is immeasurable.