My request is that you come to Me with any issues, concerns, worries and especially praises.  I am here to listen and guide you through every aspect of your time of the earth.  Keep in mind that your time on earth is preparation for eternity.  Your time on earth was never meant to be the “be all, end all” of your existence.  “Life”, as you know it, is just a moment, a small portion of your existence.  I know it’s hard to comprehend, but this is where your trust in Me is vital.  Because I know all that is to come and all that has been, I know what is next for your, I know what is best for you, I love you more than you can imagine, and I will guide you through the best life possible, if only you choose to listen and walk with Me. 

Fasting is meant to give you focus, to show Me that you are committed to what you’re asking for and you’re willing to sacrifice something, in order to prove your desire.  Fasting should be a regular part of your worship and prayer life.  Schedule fasting, as you would schedule a weekly appointment.  Schedule your pray and worship time the same way – regularly.  Daily, really!  As walking with Me, focusing on us requires your daily attention.  Again, this will enable you to stay on the special path I have designed for you. 

Today your focus will be silence and prayer.  Always begin by praising Me for the first and blessings in your life – small things and big things.  Know that sometimes a delay in your plans is Me stepping in to save you from a bad situation, therefore, in ALL moments praise Me.  For you do not know what lies ahead.  Trust in me that all situations are meant for your benefit, for building character, for molding you into who you were meant to be in My plan for your life and to benefit those around you.