I need you to be aware and understand that all you must do is trust in Me.  Live for Me and you will have all you could possibly need and desire.  I want only what is best for you.  I want only for you to live and be loved while on earth.  I want you to sleep peacefully, knowing that I have you in My capable hands.  There is none more capable than I. 

Because you are willing to listen and learn, you will be rewarded.  Your loved ones will be blessed by your work with Me.  Blessed beyond measure.  I can give them more, through you, than you can.  Know that I am your best plan.  Abiding in Me is the best possible choice you can make while on earth.  

On days when the world is crashing down on you, try that much harder to focus on Me.  Your time on earth is only temporary and, while it does matter and you have a purpose, know that I am with you in all things, in every moment and I know what is happening.  I know, I am in control and I’m protecting you.   

There are lessons in all things.  Lessons that are meant to teach you; expand your mind and your experiences; encourage your spirit; envision your future, and further My mission.  You can choose to listen intently and intentionally, or you can choose to the more difficult path, where the lessons are harder and more difficult to overcome.  Leaning on Me, focusing on, trusting that I am who I am, will ease every burden you may have to bear.