Some say when fighting for your sanity, try to be brave and mindful of those around you and who may be affecting how you feel and move forward. These things are true and necessary, but without Me your efforts will be in vain. I did not design you to live your life on your own. No human was designed to live without Me. Dealing with others and work and children and general pressures from the world can be too much for anyone. Each of you NEEDS Me to make it work, to do what is right and what is best for yourself and your loved ones. Each of you was designed by Me to need Me to help, to guide, to encourage, to teach, to remind, to bless…. the list of what I have for you is endless.
Walking with Me is easy… I will take the worry out of your life. I will take the fear out of your life. I will guide you along the best possible path for your life. Following Me will bless the others in your life. You will have no cause to fear or worry about any situation – good or bad. While you may have moments, you will quickly remember to seek Me and calm those fears and worries and trust that I know what’s next. Trust that I know what you can handle; what you need and what is best for you. I am the most loving being there ever was and ever will be and the creator of all things and I want nothing more than to walk with you through your life. What could be better?
This is My word, as in the bible, I command you to listen when I speak and act upon My direction. In this your life will improve tenfold. When aiming for the stars, aim higher. Aim for a life with Me. A life far better than the one you could imagine. Bring along your wife / husband and children. Tell your siblings and your parents. Pray that they hear My voice as you have done. Pray for your friends and coworkers. Pray that you will live a life worthy of watching and directing people to me. In following Me, such a life exists for you. Can exist for all humans as was My intent.