Whenever you begin to wonder why…  Why is this happening to me?  Why is he dying?  Why did she not live?  Why is he so broken?  Why did she try to kill herself?  Turn to Me.  Be still and know that I am.  Be still and listen, for I will speak to you.  You simply have to truly WANT to hear me.  Sometimes I will speak in a still small voice.  Sometimes I will speak through another human.  Sometimes I will speak through the scriptures.  You have to WANT to hear Me.  You have to be open to listen to My voice.  You have to want to hear Me as much as I want to speak to you…  As much as I want a relationship with you.   

Unless you are a parent, you will not understand the deep love I have for My children.  Just being in their presence, knowing they want to be with Me, is all encompassing emotionally.  My children wanting to be with Me, being with Me, when they have a choice to be elsewhere, is a tremendous blessing.  No words can explain the depth of My love for each one of you.   

Your mind cannot fathom how it is possible for Me to have designed and created each of you and the life I had planned for you.  Your mind cannot comprehend the reasons for all that is on earth.  Please know that you never will.  Cease in your desire to understand.  I did not create you to understand.  I created you to trust in Me.  Abide in Me.  Follow Me throughout your life in order to become who I intended… the best version of you.