When I come to you, you must be open and willing to listen and receive what I have to offer…  what I have planned for you.  Understand that I have the best plans, I have the safest plans for you.  My dream for you is to become one with me in all that you think and do.  My dream is to be a part of your everyday life, this will ensure that you walk the path I have planned for you, the path that I have designed especially for you, the path that will not only bring you to the best life, but also will bless those around you, again, as I have designed.   

I want to give you the best I have to offer but you have to be willing to listen and follow this path.  You have a purpose, but it lays along the path I have design for you and yet is intertwined with many others. One life affects the other, in a multitude of ways.  I want the best for each and every one of you.   

Ways to follow and listen… read My Word.  Daily, constantly, with an open mind.  The messages built into that book are a miracle for humanity… it is designed to be a living word for everyone who reads it.  It is Me, as is Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  The Bible is us in print.   

I walk in such a way that the Lord will guide my steps.  I walk with the knowledge that He will provide direction as I move forward.  I will not worry or fear because He knows the way.  He created the path just for me and I will find the best life for myself on His path for me.  The path will lead me through good times and bad times, with the express purpose of molding me into the human He intends me to be.  I simply need to be willing to follow His lead.   

I realized today that starting the day with Him is the best thing I could possibly do for myself and every person I encounter.  Starting the day with the Lord, dedicating myself and my actions to Him, setting myself on that path, His path for me each and every day is the ONLY way to do it right.