When shining moments feed your soul, know that I delight in your joy.  My every wish is for My children to be joyful.  If only you knew how easy it is to have joy at all times.  As a parent, hearing your child’s laughter, you delight in knowing your child is happy.  This is just scratching the surface of how I feel when you are joyful.  Believing in Me and trusting Me with all things, in every moment can lead to that joy.  I wish you peace and joy every day. It is possible when you abide in Me.   

When your brother stumbles, reach out, help him up.  Wipe the dirt from his knees and see him safely on his way.  You can find joy in a simple moment such as this.  Imagine the joy of the person you helped?  Reach out to others every day.  Make it a habit.  Go out of your way every day to lighten someone else’s load; clear their path; and brighten their life.  This is Love Thy Neighbor.  YOUR life will improve by doing such things.  Your kids’ lives will improve, as they see you doing such things; setting an example for them of how to be the best human you can be. 

 Someday you will notice things you hadn’t seen the day before.  Be aware that sometimes that is My intention.  The Bible will greet you the same way.  Read it daily and continuously throughout your life and you will read different things, understand it differently than you did once before.  That is My intention.  I will open your mind and bring things to light for you as you need them.  Just as I will use you and your experiences to lead another to Me when they are ready.  I will organize a way for your paths to cross so that you can connect for My glory.  I am a logistical genius.  Do not ever doubt My desire for your life to be good and perfect.  Just the way you need it to be to complete your purpose. 

If you desire to know our purpose, read the Bible, pray with Me, talk with Me, every day, throughout every day.  In that, your purpose will be made clear when the time is right.  You will not doubt or fear or worry about trivial earthly matters.  Design your day around Me and I will see you through.  I will light your path with My son’s light.  For He was sent to be the virtual and figurative light of the world.   


I need you to be aware and understand that all you must do is trust in Me.  Live for Me and you will have all you could possibly need and desire.  I want only what is best for you.  I want only for you to live and be loved while on earth.  I want you to sleep peacefully, knowing that I have you in My capable hands.  There is none more capable than I. 

Because you are willing to listen and learn, you will be rewarded.  Your loved ones will be blessed by your work with Me.  Blessed beyond measure.  I can give them more, through you, than you can.  Know that I am your best plan.  Abiding in Me is the best possible choice you can make while on earth.  

On days when the world is crashing down on you, try that much harder to focus on Me.  Your time on earth is only temporary and, while it does matter and you have a purpose, know that I am with you in all things, in every moment and I know what is happening.  I know, I am in control and I’m protecting you.   

There are lessons in all things.  Lessons that are meant to teach you; expand your mind and your experiences; encourage your spirit; envision your future, and further My mission.  You can choose to listen intently and intentionally, or you can choose to the more difficult path, where the lessons are harder and more difficult to overcome.  Leaning on Me, focusing on, trusting that I am who I am, will ease every burden you may have to bear. 


Whenever you begin to wonder why…  Why is this happening to me?  Why is he dying?  Why did she not live?  Why is he so broken?  Why did she try to kill herself?  Turn to Me.  Be still and know that I am.  Be still and listen, for I will speak to you.  You simply have to truly WANT to hear me.  Sometimes I will speak in a still small voice.  Sometimes I will speak through another human.  Sometimes I will speak through the scriptures.  You have to WANT to hear Me.  You have to be open to listen to My voice.  You have to want to hear Me as much as I want to speak to you…  As much as I want a relationship with you.   

Unless you are a parent, you will not understand the deep love I have for My children.  Just being in their presence, knowing they want to be with Me, is all encompassing emotionally.  My children wanting to be with Me, being with Me, when they have a choice to be elsewhere, is a tremendous blessing.  No words can explain the depth of My love for each one of you.   

Your mind cannot fathom how it is possible for Me to have designed and created each of you and the life I had planned for you.  Your mind cannot comprehend the reasons for all that is on earth.  Please know that you never will.  Cease in your desire to understand.  I did not create you to understand.  I created you to trust in Me.  Abide in Me.  Follow Me throughout your life in order to become who I intended… the best version of you.   


Trust in Me in this, for I am the designer of DNA.  I am the designer of all things.  ALL things.  In the way DNA links together to create each human a little different, or a lot, from the next is the way in which I designed your lives on earth.  Each of you is very different from others, but you are all linked to Me and therefore, to each other.   

Every movement of the earth has been designed by Me.  Every government, hierarchy, and scheme, allowed by Me to move you all along the path I designed for the earth and live on it.  While you each have choices, ultimately My plan will prevail.  My Son will return and bring Heaven upon the earth and I will reign and your test and preparation as humans will end.  This end looms closer every day.  That timing will not change.  Make the most of your days on earth by focusing on Me and My Word.  The choices you make on earth will impact your eternity. Know that, as My plan for you, available to you each day and unchanging, so is My plan for the earth – unchanging. 

When people scream and yell for My assistance, I will come.  Though you simply need to ask, don’t panic, for I will come. I know your heart.  I will always come.  My only desire is that you stay with Me and come to Me by choice.  You can know My heart as well.  My heart is My Word.  Also available to you every day.  Ready and waiting for you to consume it with your heart and mind.  Share it with your brothers and sisters and your children.  Share it with your neighbor and co-worker.  Do not be ashamed.  They won’t always be open and listen, but trust that you have planted a seed for Me and My spirit.  Once the seed is planted it will grow.  Trust that I will use others to plant more and repopulate the heart of the one you shared with. 

Beyond the world there are many dreams and signatures that need to be identified.  You will need My help with this when you stumble upon them.  Every word will be made available to you when the time is right.  Know that and trust in Me. My timing is best.  My timing is perfect.  


I look forward to you joining Me one day and realizing all that I am and all that you could be, by walking in My light.  Human life is like a large puzzle. Each piece, each human, connecting to the whole in such a way that, without each and every one the puzzle will not be complete.  You may be on one continent, but there is a way that I can use you to make a positive impact on someone across the globe.  Don’t ever believe that you have nothing to live for.  If that were the case, you would never have been created.  The only way to actually feel complete as a human is by living with Me, by walking in My light.  I designed and created you to walk with Me.  Without that, no matter how wonderful your life, you will be incomplete, and thereby making those in your life also incomplete.  For again, you are all tied together in ways you will never understand. 

Someday I will send for you, be open and available.  This does not refer to your death from earth.  I will need you to communicate for Me to another human. Staying in tune with Me will allow you to hear the words I need you to speak to others on occasion.  Do not be afraid of this, do not question this.  Simply do what I ask and you and the recipient will be blessed.  For that is always My intention.   

I want nothing more than the best life for you.  By abiding in Me you will have that and help Me to provide it to others.  There is no way to begin to explain the ways in which I want to bless you.  There are no ways in which to explain all that I have to offer you.  Abiding in Me will lead you along the path I have chosen for you and provide for all you need.  You cannot comprehend all that I have to offer you, so abiding in Me is the best choice for your life and for your loved ones.  Each of you, abiding in Me, will bless others in ways you cannot imagine.  You are all linked together, My children, in ways you cannot imagine. 


The more time you spend with Me, the more you will see the benefits.  The more your life will improve, the more you will have peace, the less you will worry and agonize over things you cannot control.  I want to be with you, in every moment, in every plan, in every aspect of your life.  The impact goes far beyond your own self. 

Sometimes I need to speak with you and you don’t hear Me.  In those moments I may choose to speak through another human.  If you are open to listening to Me and willing to follow My lead, you will hear Me when I speak, through whatever method I use.  The intertwining of lives is beyond your human comprehension.  Some random person on a plane, who you will never know, could be My key to getting a message to you.  Be open, be willing, be available.  You may be one I need to deliver a message to another.  You may hear or feel Me nudge you a different way one day… go left, not right.  Walk down the stairs, rather than take the elevator.  All because I need you to connect with someone who needs to hear from Me.  Open your heart and mind to My words and I will guide you in helping Me reach the lost.  If you listen, you can help your fellow man almost daily.  If you listen, you will hear from Me, through a stranger, and know that I am God and how to proceed with your next steps.   

The ways in which every human impacts others is unimaginable to the human mind.  Only when you are truly open to Me – listening and obeying – will you begin to understand the commandment Love Thy Neighbor.  The breadth and depth of these words is far reaching and has almost nothing to do with the guy in the house next door. 


Today can be a turning point for you.  Stand up for yourself, decide that you will take no more.  Turn and follow Me.  It’s ok to be afraid, but focusing on Me will alleviate the fear.  Focusing on Me will help you take each necessary step.  Focusing on Me, each day, will ease any pain you have, calm your nerves, relax your mind and even stop the devil from wrapping you in his lies. 

Whenever you speak to Me, do it in reverence.  Know that I am the Lord God Almighty.  In this, your sincerity and praise will shine through.  Believe in your heart and soul that I am who I am.  Find peace in this knowledge, for I know all.  I designed all the earth, the moon and the stars.  One day it will all be no more, for that is My plan.  From creation until the end of time, every moment was created, designed and planned by Me.  When you think of Me, remember these words.  In that, you will find trust.  Trust the I designed a perfect life for you.  That does not mean “all good”.  Perfect for you means My design will take you from birth on earth through to your birth in heaven, encompassing all the lessons you need to become who I designed you to be.  Trust that when you lean on Me, you are making the best decision for yourself.   

I have become an afterthought, if thought of at all, for most people.  It saddens my heart to think of the life you are missing by not abiding in Me.  It saddens My heart to know that the ones you would impact for Me are walking around dazed and confused because the plans I had for you are intertwined with theirs and they are not getting what they need.  Yes, all lives are intertwined in such a way the human mind cannot fathom.  The need for you to follow Me is not simply for your own benefit, but for your loved ones and strangers, too.  You are all My children and I sent you there to help each other.  Following Me, abiding in Me, is the only way for you to impact one another for My sake.  

Think of your children, for that thought impacts parents the most…  As your father, I understand this and design you to feel what I feel.  Think of how you want to give your children the best of yourself.  That will only happen if I am included.  A simple human is nothing without Christ.  A simple human, designed in My image, will not function properly, in all the necessary ways, without following Us and working with Us and believing in Christ.  It cannot happen. 


When life is hard, and you stumble, it could be that I am trying to get your attention.  Some will seek Me when things get scary and bumpy.  This is fine, but I want you also to seek Me when things are smooth and easy.  I can be with you at all times.  I want to be with you at all times.  You just need to ask.  Acknowledge My presence in your life and in the world and you will be fulfilled. 

If only you could understand My ways are best.  Life would be so much simpler.  However, in that you would have no free will.  My desire for you to understand would supersede any chance you had of making your own choices.   

I know what it is you desire.  I know what it is you need.  Today and every day, I know.  I have always known.  Realizing this will help you trust in Me.  Not only do I know what is best for you, I want what is best for you, and I am able to provide it.  You simply have to choose.  Choose to seek Me first.  Choose to abide in Me.  Choose to listen and follow Me every day and I will give you peace in all things.   

This peace will be with you in good times and bad.  Peace because you know that I am with you and in control.  Peace in knowing that you are walking through these moments for a reason… to build character; teach you a lesson; provide you with a testimony that will help another one day.  Yes, somethings you walk through simply so that you will be able to help a someone else, someone who will only listen to you because I will make them ready.   

I know the future of every human.  I created every human and designed his path.  Trust that I know who is going to need you to speak for Me next year or in fifteen years.  I know because I am. 


Today I will stay near you and listen to your every word.  I do this every day, but we don’t always connect.  Distractions in your life can get in the way.  Do not feel guilty.  Guilt is not from Me.  Recognize the problem and resolve it.  Feeling guilty keeps you away from Me.  Feeling guilt keeps you focused on what went wrong instead of learning from the mistake, fixing it, and resolving not to do it again. This is growth.  This how I have meant for you to live.  Growing and changing every day is part of that.   

When all is said and done, I will have won.  I will have won against the devil and all his evil doers on earth.  Humans will then know what is and what never was.  Then it will be too late for you to decide.  It will be too late for you to choose Me. 

I am constantly hoping that you will choose Me today.  I am constantly distraught with every passing day that you choose to not walk in My footsteps.  I want so badly for you to understand and see all that I have to offer.  There will be hard times, there will be hills and valleys.  There will be things that you have to deal with that will seem insurmountable, but with Me, WITH Me, you can and will make it through.  These tough times build you up and teach you things that “having it easy” will not.   

When I designed you, I planned out your life and how you could live it.  Giving you free will gives you the option to not choose this path.  It tears Me up to see you walk away from all that I have to offer.  You have no idea the impact that choice will have on your loved ones, not just upon you. 

You could cease to exist without a moment’s notice from Me.  Your path has been set up, was set up, as I formed you in the womb.  Your path will always be there whether you decide to walk on it or not.  You only have to decide to walk on it, with Me, to fulfill My desire for your life and to receive all that I had planned to give to you during your time on earth. 


Continue in your walk with Me on a daily basis.  Some days you will need hourly direction and guidance.  I am not going to leave you or forsake you.  I will keep My promises as I have always done.  You only need to follow Me, lean on Me, listen to Me and trust in Me in order for Me to see you through life’s trials and tribulations.  My wish is for you not to worry about one thing.  My deepest desire is for you to follow in the footsteps, along the path I have laid out for you when I formed you in your mother’s womb.   

I know it seems that this is not possible.  How could this have been done for every human?  This is unfathomable to the human mind.  Do not try to comprehend My ways and My capabilities.  You just simply need to know that I am. 

I am capable.  I am all knowing.  I am all seeing.  I am the beginning and the end.  I am… everything. 

Continue to abide in Me.  Be aware of the true meaning of abide… to remain stable or fixed in a state of love; to accept without objection; to conform to live by the rules. 

I will not stop in My efforts to know you and to have you know me.  I begin each day hoping that you will seek Me.  Hoping that you will stop and listen to what I have to tell you.  Every step you take, willing, toward Me opens doors to new possibilities for you and your loved ones.  For what affects you, effects those closest to you in life.  Good or bad.  Choose the good.  Focusing on your loved ones and wanting what is best for them, will help you focus on Me because I offer what is best for every living being.  Living with Me, following Me will allow you access to all the blessings that are ready and waiting for you.  Those blessing will not only impact your loved ones, but watching the life you lead, with Me, will open their hearts, eyes and minds to living with Me as well.  This will exponentially benefit your family and will affect their loved ones, as well.  Spreading around the globe.  Every person has the potential to have this kind of impact.